The Nate Saint School will be Georgia and Reese's school in the fall. Before we visited Ecuador in 2012 the name Nate Saint was that of a missionary hero we read about in books and thought about infrequently but with utmost admiration. Beginning in August, as we walk through the town center of Shell a replica of his yellow airplane will hover over us. The girls will benefit from his vision of a school in Shell, Ecuador for missionary kids like ours. And, God willing, we will be working with leaders that have risen up because of Nate Saint's sacrifice to reach the lost at all costs, even death.
God has the craziest way of bringing the imposible and unbelievable to reality. Frequently we are caught in a daze wondering how in the world we ended up learning Spanish in Costa Rica to live in a jungle town in Ecuador. Humbly we look forward knowing for darn sure that none of "our plan" is possible without God's providence (foreseeing care and direction) and provision.
Exodus 14:14 - "God will fight for you, you need only be still."