Ferry's In The Jungle

Ferry's In The Jungle
1 Peter 1:22b "Love one another deeply, from the heart."

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Investing in the next generation....

Our days are filled with a variety of activities and people. We are noticing a constant flow of younger people who knock on our door and desire to connect. Not only is this enjoyable for us (and challenging for our Spanish-skills as teens and little people tend to speak in slang!!) but it is an investment in the future of Ecuador.

We host movie nights, have meals together and help with homework. We sit on the floor building legos, playing with dolls or dinosaurs, and color pictures. This is a full-family ministry.

Just yesterday a 9 year old friend of ours came over for lunch all by himself. He sat up straight at the table proudly and shared the details of his day. His classmate died the day before and he had a lot of questions.

Many of our tribal friends have be devalued and marginalized. Spending time with them, and even more-so their kids, sends the important message that they are significant and have a future. Something as small as a shared meal can change their perspective, reinforce a positive message sent by another teacher or parent and launch them into a confident future. It's our privilege to walk with them.